Mother-32 tempo issue

Mother-32, DFAM, Subharmonicon, Grandmother, Matriarch
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Mother-32 tempo issue

Post by Elektrolurch » Sat Apr 29, 2023 6:19 am

Hey everyone,

It seems like I changed some setting on my Moog Mother 32. The default BPM-range of the tempo-knob is faster than it used to be.

It would seem like this "fast BMP-range" is just the default setting. But all the instructional videos, demos, etc. show something different: When a pattern is resetted there, the tempo also switches back, but to a much slower "default" tempo setting, compared to the "default" tempo setting on my Mother 32.

I put together a short video to illustrate the issue I am dealing with:

Although the tempo-knob is at the same position, the bpm seems to be almost twice the speed, when compared to other mother-32 models with exactly the same settings.
If I, for example, want to exactly recreate the steps in the "Mother-32 | Sequencer Basics"-Video from the official Moog Music Inc Youtube channel, this is not possible without changing the position of the tempo-knob to a different position than in the video.
I would like to get the same "default-tempo" when resetting a pattern. And it seems like this should be the "default-tempo", after all it is in all of the official tutorials.


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Re: Mother-32 tempo issue

Post by pmumble » Fri May 05, 2023 12:39 pm

Check in the official manual addendum under "NEW CLOCK DIVISIONS ADDED". It looks like this feature can affect the tempo range.

I don't have a mother32 (yet) to verify.

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